Kings and Advisors

Ecclesiastes 4:9 –

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.

I am doing 2 today … and this ties into where I started … since this project started in the middle of Ecclesiastes.

This one is a very powerful section, no matter what you do in life you need support. You may be the greatest BMX rider, but if no one is there to promote you, you will live in obscurity (sorry for picking on you D). Solomon observed a man who was alone and wondered why and he found life alone is boring and unsatisfying. Ask how many happily married people said as a single person “I will never get married!!” I did at times in my single life and in no way could imagine life being better than it is now.

We were not meant to be alone. It’s like God wants to hang with us for the same reason. We need others to hang with and share our life.

Now to part two …

Ecclesiastes 4:13 –

It is better to be a poor but wise youth than an old and foolish king who refuses all advice.

You need to change the definition of “King” … to boss, president, mayor, dad … whom ever is over others. Advice comes at us in all directions. From people who are helpful to those who just need to say something. We all can learn more and more each and every day. That is the way we become wise. Now wisdom comes also from learning which advice is BAD and which is helpful … and that takes YOU paying attention to the Bible!!

I have not reading anything I cannot say was not bad advice in the Bible. It is Gods letter to us … read it and learn!!

Whistle While You Work

Ecclesiastes 3:12 & 22 –

<12> So I concluded there is nothing better than to be happy and enjoy ourselves as long as we can. … <22> So I saw that there is nothing better for people than to be happy in their work. That is why we are here! No one will bring us back from death to enjoy life after we die.

Solomon is reflecting on life through this book. In this chapter he is regaining hope and realizing we are here for a reason and purpose. God wants us to be happy and we know he has us here for a reason. Yes we all die, but for the time we have on this earth God does not want us miserable!! The reality is there is nothing better to do than to work and be happy. Do what we need to … if that’s making someone’s smile perfect or making someone use that smile … we need to enjoy where we are at and work to bring the glory of God to others.

I know we could go deep into work ethics and all … but you know what … those who want to work will, those who do not will not get the full joy out of life.

I would suggest reading this chapter … it written very well and does not have the dark negative tones of 1 & 2. Life has its seasons … if it weren’t for pain we would not enjoy the good times. Negative energy is not necessarily good energy, but it happens from time to time. When times are tough, you need to work through them, don’t give up. Make sure to enjoy life and thank God for everything that happens, for both the good and for the bad, because both will make you stronger in faith!!

Chasing Wind and Life

Ecclesiastes 2:11 –

But as I looked at everything I had worked so hard to accomplish, it was all so meaningless—like chasing the wind. There was nothing really worthwhile anywhere.

Boy either Solomon is having fun (pathos, parody, satire??) or is he clinically depressed … either way it’s a very strange book as you start to read it … why would the Bible say this??? Is there nothing of worth in this world? Solomon had it all … power, money, fame, a loving family, a bunch of stuff … yet he did not have happiness or contentment.

This IS something we can all learn, that although we think owning everything would be great or winning the lottery would solve everything … we see that it may provide brief pleasure, but ultimately it means nothing. Life is life and no matter what you do unless you are content, you will never be happy. “I will be content when…” means “when” keeps getting pushed back. You need to be happy with life as it is … not saying do not push and work hard, just saying don’t expect to derive happiness from more money or power…it will be brief and meaningless.

Now as we continue, start tothink about Solomon’s relationship with God. Is it strong or weak now? I think it’s stronger than ever because he is realizing everything on earth is worthless and the only relationship that means anything is his with God!! Now this is not a license to ignore everyone and stop working because God does not like mean slothful people. This is a time to gather yourself so you can shine your light and be happy, not only on the surface but deep down!!

Everything is meaningless

Ecclesiastes 1:2 & 9 –

<2> “Everything is meaningless,” says the Teacher, “completely meaningless!”…<9> History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new.

Although it’s not said in the book, “scholars” believe Solomon who also wrote most of Proverbs wrote this book. Now one would wonder, why does someone who authored some of the most beautiful advice start by saying this?? Well I think we need to dig deeper … stay tuned:-)

For today we look at what is said … you boil it all down and what is the end result? Not to be too morbid … but it’s death. No matter what you do on this earth … we ALL will die. Some will die in a blaze of glory like Pippin wanted to … others will grow old. Doesn’t seem to matter which path leads us there … we all seem to end up in the same place. Sorta … that’s where Jesus comes in … we can expect life after death only with Jesus. Think about it, Solomon did not have this hope we do!!

Now you may ask “How can we know there is life after death?” I am a man of science and curiosity … I ask the same thing. Again I don’t know if it’s really true or not, there is no hard evidence of this … all I can say is when I “tested” areas of the Bible I could I was pleased with the results. Now God does not want us reading the Bible and saying “ok Big Guy, show me this” … we do have to have faith since the after life is something no one can prove (except for Jesus in his second coming). So … why do I believe it? I have a good knowledge of science, statistics and probability and have seen too many “weird” things happen in my life to prove to me God is with me. Little things all point to bigger things which all point to God … so if God exists here with us today … why would His promise of life after death not be true?? True or not … life WITH God is GREAT, so why would you ignore HIM because of what happens or does not happen after death and live with HIM today??

Final aside on verse 9 … it caught my attention, so I added it in … but think about this, nothing is truly new … yea the moon landing is something that they could not have figured. But it’s just building a vessel worthy of finding new lands … nothing different. Why is it we can find everything we need to know about finances in Proverbs?? Because even though THEY did not have credit cards … they did have credit … people have just figured out ways to enslave you with PLASTIC!!!

dad Life … it’s “like chasing the wind” … which is very fun if you haven’t tried it.


Chapters 1-4,1/8/2009 – 1/11/2009 (note date .. posted in different order in BLOG)
Chapters 4-12, 2/16/2008 – 2/27/2008

This chapter will seem disjoint in the writings because of the dates. I started this “journey” with my kids and just jumped in where I was reading, which was Ecclesiastes chapter 4. I wanted to make sure my journal was complete where each chapter was touched on throughout the Bible. So I went in a filled in the “holes” for Ecclesiastes. Hence I noted the date breaks.

Now Ecclesiastes is one of the more depressing books in the Bible. It’s believed Solomon wrote this while in a “funk”. As you read it you will find it eye opening and enjoyable … at the same time I bet you can’t remember many sermons that taught on Ecclesiastes!!! I know I can’t recall any, I believe this is because it’s such a difficult book to understand. 

Were the writings meant to be sarcastic or a real period in Solomon’s life that we all may go through? Go into it with an open mind and enjoy what God reveals.