Kings and Advisors

Ecclesiastes 4:9 –

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed.

I am doing 2 today … and this ties into where I started … since this project started in the middle of Ecclesiastes.

This one is a very powerful section, no matter what you do in life you need support. You may be the greatest BMX rider, but if no one is there to promote you, you will live in obscurity (sorry for picking on you D). Solomon observed a man who was alone and wondered why and he found life alone is boring and unsatisfying. Ask how many happily married people said as a single person “I will never get married!!” I did at times in my single life and in no way could imagine life being better than it is now.

We were not meant to be alone. It’s like God wants to hang with us for the same reason. We need others to hang with and share our life.

Now to part two …

Ecclesiastes 4:13 –

It is better to be a poor but wise youth than an old and foolish king who refuses all advice.

You need to change the definition of “King” … to boss, president, mayor, dad … whom ever is over others. Advice comes at us in all directions. From people who are helpful to those who just need to say something. We all can learn more and more each and every day. That is the way we become wise. Now wisdom comes also from learning which advice is BAD and which is helpful … and that takes YOU paying attention to the Bible!!

I have not reading anything I cannot say was not bad advice in the Bible. It is Gods letter to us … read it and learn!!

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