Genesis 7:24 –
And the floodwaters covered the earth for 150 days.
Everyone knows it rained 40 days and 40 nights … but little is talked about how long they were on the boat. Was it 190 days or shorter?? Either way it’s a long time to float knowing everything you knew is gone. They needed supplies and provisions for a long time. God had them load up additional animals for food and animals for sacrifices.
Which makes me wonder, like how did they do sacrifices on the wooden boat? How did they cook on a wooden boat?? Is 150 days long enough for the 7 pairs of feed animals to make more so they don’t starve? Rabbits take 28 days to multiply and they only have 12 kits which take 12 weeks to mature.
Boy I seem to be asking more questions in Genesis than making “thoughts”!!
Many have suggested that the “flood” was localized, since the people God was punishing were in a centralized location. But it does not say that. Also, in that region it would take a global flood to cover the mountaintops. It has been suggested that the boat landed on a mountain top in Turkey and can be seen today. I think a simple Google search will turn up images, you decided.
This is the first extermination of the world, by flood. The second will be by fire and that has yet to come!! Pay attention to the bible and its warnings. We may be like Jonah waiting on a hillside for the fire that never comes, but at the same time we would not want to be “left behind” either!
Proverbs 20:10 – “False weights and unequal measures—the Lord detests double standards of every kind.”