Ecclesiastes 1:2 & 9 –
<2> “Everything is meaningless,” says the Teacher, “completely meaningless!”…<9> History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new.
Although it’s not said in the book, “scholars” believe Solomon who also wrote most of Proverbs wrote this book. Now one would wonder, why does someone who authored some of the most beautiful advice start by saying this?? Well I think we need to dig deeper … stay tuned:-)
For today we look at what is said … you boil it all down and what is the end result? Not to be too morbid … but it’s death. No matter what you do on this earth … we ALL will die. Some will die in a blaze of glory like Pippin wanted to … others will grow old. Doesn’t seem to matter which path leads us there … we all seem to end up in the same place. Sorta … that’s where Jesus comes in … we can expect life after death only with Jesus. Think about it, Solomon did not have this hope we do!!
Now you may ask “How can we know there is life after death?” I am a man of science and curiosity … I ask the same thing. Again I don’t know if it’s really true or not, there is no hard evidence of this … all I can say is when I “tested” areas of the Bible I could I was pleased with the results. Now God does not want us reading the Bible and saying “ok Big Guy, show me this” … we do have to have faith since the after life is something no one can prove (except for Jesus in his second coming). So … why do I believe it? I have a good knowledge of science, statistics and probability and have seen too many “weird” things happen in my life to prove to me God is with me. Little things all point to bigger things which all point to God … so if God exists here with us today … why would His promise of life after death not be true?? True or not … life WITH God is GREAT, so why would you ignore HIM because of what happens or does not happen after death and live with HIM today??
Final aside on verse 9 … it caught my attention, so I added it in … but think about this, nothing is truly new … yea the moon landing is something that they could not have figured. But it’s just building a vessel worthy of finding new lands … nothing different. Why is it we can find everything we need to know about finances in Proverbs?? Because even though THEY did not have credit cards … they did have credit … people have just figured out ways to enslave you with PLASTIC!!!
dad Life … it’s “like chasing the wind” … which is very fun if you haven’t tried it.