96 – 98
Verse 96:4 demanded comment:
For the Eternal is great indeed and
feared and reverenced above all gods,
the True God shall be.
Can you guess why? The statement “above all gods” is
critical even today. There is a “doctrine” that there is only one God, all
others are figments of man’s imagination. We have seen God go against the
Egyptian gods with the 10 plagues, and with them these gods could respond to
the first 4 and then they were impotent. Why is this critical to understand?
God is difficult to understand and it’s very difficult to have the idea of 1
God that we cannot see over multiple unseen ones.
Follow me here; the big danger in this world today is
Luciferian doctrine. See they accept and honor all gods; yet look at the God of
Israel as a lesser god. Follow me here since this may explain much of the
unexplained. The belief is God created earth to confine our souls in a dark and
difficult place. Their “end times” has God being removed as controller of the
earth and Lucifer takes His place to free mankind from death that God forced on
Adam. Sorry to drift here, but it is something we need to understand since
there is an underlying movement today that believes this to be “gospel”.
Verse 97:7 talks about idols:
Those who worship idols,
who boast in the impotent creations of human hands,
will be shamed.
Worship Him, all you gods.
Again we are looking at lesser gods, but also idols. An idol
is a created thing people start to worship like God. They may be anything from
a golden calf, to a statue of a popular figure, to a fancy sports car. The key
to idols is our focus leaves God and gets attached to a fancy trinket that will
rot with time. The lesser gods love this since it takes the attention of God if
they cannot capture it. We need to be on guard that we do not get sucked into
this no matter how prosperous we may get in our lives.
Verse 98:9 actually ties back into verse 96:13 since the
subject is similar:
In the presence of the Eternal
because He is coming
to judge the earth.
He is coming,
and His judgment will be what is right for the world
and just to all people.
God is coming to judge the world eventually. This has been
talked about since the beginning when He judged and destroyed the earth with
water. Now we are waiting for this to happen again, but this time with fire. We
often look at how long those “The End Is Near” placards have been around. Heck
Jonah was wearing one for Nineveh and was disappointed when they repented.
Nineveh eventually reverts back, but the generation that repented saved their
hides. I often wonder if we reach the brink, only to be saved by a repentant
nation. Either way it is ‘a coming’!