Fake News and Prophecy

I have been watching Eli Stone again, got both seasons on DVD now!! This is a 2008/09 series and it’s funny seeing how they seem to be in touch with today or we are just dredging up old stuff to make it sound new. First thing I saw was Eli was reading the news paper and “labeling” each story. After running through the list he came upon a story and labeled it “Fake News”. It was funny to see this casually mentioned when today that’s all we seem to hear. 

A pastor at 12 Stone, Chris Huff, just recently blogged on this and mentioned a site: http://futureoffakenews.com . This site shows how easily a clip can be manipulated to seem real. Check this out it’s spooky!!

Can’t we just take a look at the source of “Fake News” and really label it for what it really is … propaganda. Not to start NAME CALLING and implying “propaganda” means the groups are Nazi’s, it’s sad how this term has been corrupted by the Nazi’s since they use it so well. But Edwin Bernays who developed “propaganda”, first implemented for Beach Nut bacon and hence why we ate a “hearty” bacon and eggs breakfast for decades. 

Anyway, watching the fiasco in

Charlottesville, VA we see “white supremacists”  battle with “counter protesters” which immediately biases the clash in favor of the “counter protesters” who were Black Lives Matters and Anti-fa groups (both of whom are know agitators who will push, yell, spit and spray mace in your face and then cry brutality when one blows up and strikes back). Again, who was the original founders of the “protest”, it was Unite the Right. Who were the people who applied? Were they are white


group or a Republican group? This is my point, none of this is mentioned which biases our view of what happened.

Now back to Eli before I go:-) In another “prophetic” vision from this show, Eli and Frank (aka Dr Chen) were discussing his fathers “prophetic” diary which was outlining Eli’s present from his father who had been dead for 10 years. Anyway, Eli decided not to read it but was considering it to see if George Lucas did another Star Wars. Was this prophetic or foreshadowing by the studio or just dumb luck? Considering Disney owns Lucas Films and ABC (who produced ABC) one could say it was a studio stunt, but who really knows;-)

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