WWJD with the poor today?

Oh how the debate on how to handle the
poor in society has gotten ugly in politics. On one side we need
fiscal responsibility and stop wasting money. On the other side we have a glut
of poor needed help. So what is the answer?

One side says stop benefits and shore
up the economy. While this is responsible, I tend to dismiss it since the “shore
up” includes making sure the “military industrial complex” is still funded, but
that’s another story. We still have a glut of poor. Now the other side says we
need to be compassionate and help the poor. Ironically the fiscal responsible
side tends to follow Jesus more and the other side will throw that in the face.
They point out that Jesus was a “socialist” and would help the poor, while
dismissing the “teach a man to fish” verse.

The point is not to take a moral high
ground but rather to point the problems in both. There will always be poor,
Jesus said so when Mary was chastised for pouring expensive perfume on Jesus’
feet. So how do we deal with the issue, since it appears to be unsolvable?

Again since we are in a WWJD (What
Would Jesus Do) mindset what’s the answer? Show compassion and help the poor,
but not by force or the point of a gun. You cannot legislate morality but you
can live it. Be that light on the hill, help the poor when you can and be

Now does this mean give a beggar all
your money? No since this will not help the beggar.

Does this mean pass him by and not help
since he is “making enough”? No since we cannot judge his situation.

Does this mean hire the person when you
can? Not sure there since often you can invite more trouble doing this if the
person is unsavory.

So what’s the answer, WWJD? I can definitively
say I don’t know for sure. What I do know is government is not the answer and
local Christ based services are closer to the mark. We cannot ask the
government to do what Jesus would do but not show or tell the love of Jesus! We
cannot expect a person who does not know Jesus to follow him by “the point of a
gun”. In all cases the first commandment is not followed and that is FREEDOM!!
And yes the first commandment is freeing Israel, the “Christian” commands 1 and
2 need to be combined.

We cannot be free to follow Jesus and
be told how to do it. We need the Holy Spirit to ensure we do this right and
then we need to know how to listen!! So give freely, share the Gospel freely
and love unconditionally. If we all followed Jesus and stopped trying to one up
each other, the end would be a perfect free market utopia.


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