Numbers 10 – 12
Verse 10:3 has some monumental logistics behind that one verse:
When you blow both trumpets, everyone should gather with you in front of the congregation tent;
How many people is “everyone”? When you think about it this is no big deal if you are talking a few thousand, but if you go to 11:21 we see the number is 600,000. Imagine that number of people and trying to communicate with them using no amplification. Either your valley needs perfect acoustics or everyone needs to be perfectly silent for Moses to be heard. Also, if you have ever been to an event that huge, you know moving around is not easy and slow. So to get 600,000 people to a place where they can hear what is said is a difficult task.
Verse 10:36 had me confused looking at the last line:
And when the chest settled down again, Moses would say,
Moses: O Eternal One, turn back ten thousand to Israel’s numbers.
What did this mean? The footnote to Moses’ words says “Meaning of the Hebrew is uncertain.” NIV says “Return, Lord, to the countless thousands of Israel.” KJV says “Return, O Lord, unto the many thousands of Israel.” CJB is “Return, Adonai of the many, many thousands of Isra’el!” ESV says “Return, O Lord, to the ten thousand thousands of Israel.” This again is one of those places I don’t think we are ever going to understand what was actually said. I believe the Voice was a literal, but none really make sense. The nerd in me had to explore and notice this is one of those places where we get in needless arguments.
Verse 11:15 shows Moses’ frustration with the people:
If You plan to treat me like this, then just kill me now. If You care about me at all, just put me out of my misery so I do not have to live out this distress.
Then verse 11:20 shows God’s frustration:
but every single day for an entire month. Meat, meat, and more meat. You’ll eat meat until it comes out of your noses and you can’t stand it anymore. For you’ve rejected Me, who is with you, by asking why you left Egypt.”
Imagine having 600,000 people “sharing” their problems with you. I often wonder why or pastor at 12 Stone, PK, is so difficult to access. I have “important” things I need to say to him. I am sure of the 25,000+ congregation he has more than one or two like me. He has to buffer people like God eventually did for Moses. Just look at the frustration Moses had, he would prefer death over the pressure!! God either was dealing with those same pressures, or helped Moses by giving them what they wanted in EXCESS!!
I read this and think of the story, Brewster’s Millions. In the movie this down and out orphan was to inherit millions from his new found father, but before he did so he had to learn the value of money. So Brewster was given 30 million to spend in a month with nothing to show as an asset. At the end he was so burnt out that he almost gave up the inheritance. This is the same thing God did with the people of Israel, gave them what they wanted in excess. Wonder if the makers of the movie paid royalties to God?