Separation From God is Satan’s Goal … To Eventually Get The Worship -30

8 – 14

Verse 8:2 explains on why Israel is facing judgment:

Still Israel calls out
to Me, “Our God, we know you!”
        But even with your words of
worship, you abandon our agreement.

This becomes a
problem with all of history, we tend to drift from God. Why? Satan! It’s really
that simple, everything used to wedge between us and God is on purpose. Today
the biggest wedge is not other gods but rather no God. Think about science and
how it’s used to explain away God. Our psyche is being hammered away from any God.
Heck since creation has an explanation that can be demonstrated on a lower
level, how can there be a God.

As I sit this
morning I wonder if we are on the verge of having another punishment. Hosea
prophesied against Israel’s drift, why not now? Revelations seems to be lining
up in short order.

Verse 9:1 talks
about the perceived joy before the fall:

Don’t rejoice, Israel! Don’t
 in ecstatic joy like the other nations!
    You’ve prostituted yourself and been unfaithful to your
You eagerly expect that you’ll get your prostitute’s pay at the threshing
floors with a rich harvest.

The image of the prostitute is used often when looking at
how we all tend to drift away from God. We sell our souls for the next new
trinket. We have dismissed family to strive for work. I moved away from my
family only to have them follow and just move away again. It’s normal in
today’s world. I am not saying moving is prostituting ourselves to Satan, but
it has become an “accepted” wedge driven into that unit.

George Bailey could wait to leave Bedford Falls, only to
find it was the most important community in his world.

Verses 11:8 & 9 (actually end of 8) shows God’s grace:

My heart is changed within Me,
        and all at once My compassion
is stirred up.
    I will not carry out My
burning anger;
        I will not destroy
Ephraim completely.
    For I am God, not a human being; I am the Holy One in
your midst;
        I won’t unleash My anger for
an attack

God has done this throughout history. Heck Jesus is the
ultimate gift to mankind knowing He would most likely be rejected. The amazing
grace God has is beyond comprehension.

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