Problems With Legalism

7 – 9

Verse 7:30 is an example of most of chapter 7:

On the fourth day, Elizur (son of
Shedeur), head of the Reubenite tribe, presented the offering.

Each tribe over and over repeats the same offering. So this
paragraph is repeated 12 times with only the first line changed. I believe this
is the root of why God had to send Jesus because the people became more about
the rituals than the meaning behind them. It was a checklist of being holy and
not a relationship. As I read this I often wonder how much is God inspired and
how much was more man? God set all these rules, regulations and rituals to
follow, almost like a checklist so it’s understandable how many of the Jewish
people reduced the Law into a checklist that could not be met.

Christians tend to overlook most of the OT because it’s
difficult to follow in the context of Jesus. Ironically the only thing the
churches then to focus on is tithing and homosexuality outside the Ten
Commandments. We must understand that we are no longer bound by any of the Law.
Jesus talks about using our money for God’s will and not mans, so that ends
tithing. Tells us to judge not, so that ends the homosexual debate. The food
Laws and Peter’s vision explain how all the Old Testament Laws need to be
handled, on a personal basis.

I tend to follow the food laws, more because I believe it’s
God’s intended diet for mankind. I still eat pork and shrimp from time to time
and do not believe it’s a sin. It’s just not optimum food for my body, but
still food. We need to listen and believe the voice of God and don’t get caught
up in legalism.

Verse 9:10 is God’s response to a problem with following the
letter of the law:

Tell the Israelites, if any one of
you or your descendants becomes ritually impure due to the
necessity of handling
 a dead body, he can nevertheless still celebrate
My Passover a month after everyone else does. Likewise, those who
are on the road, a long way from My tent, can celebrate
Passover to the Eternal then too.

This is the problem with the legalistic aspects of the Law,
you must celebrate Passover but if you cannot then what does one do. The law
today is so complex just because of this, the spirit of the law cannot be
followed. Think about zero tolerance and not bringing guns on school grounds.
Kids have been arrested and suspended for pointing a finger and going bang or
nibbling a piece of bread to look like a gun. Instead of embracing that firing
a gun is fun and often necessary for food or protection, we make children think
they are mentally ill for playing.

This is what the scene was when Jesus came, a bunch of
difficult laws were only made more and more difficult to understand or follow.
Common sense was lost then and appears to be lost today. It only seems like we
are setting up for a return of Jesus. Of course I am sure they said the same
thing when Rome was crumbling, when the Crusades were happening and when Hitler
ruled, things will suck always we need to have joy in the misery knowing the
peace eternity with Jesus has to offer.


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