Understand Supernatural Peace Through Rough Times

99 – 101

Verse 99:8 talks about God answering the people in the

You answered them, Eternal our God;
    You were, to them, a God who forgives,
    yet You did not ignore what they did
    and punished them fairly as well.

As we go through life we find this to be true. God forgives
but there are still consequences for a sin. I see this with a friend whose son
was murdered; he has forgiven the person but still expects him to serve his
jail time. I think we tend to feel forgiveness is getting away with murder but
rather it’s more freedom from the angst of the people affected by the sin.

Think about it this way, using my friend’s example, you have one of two
choices. You can live in anger and stress about the loss while suffering the
negative health effects from these emotions. The other option is to forgive and
let go the stress. Either way the loss will never change, you are not going to
get freedom from the loss but you will have freedom from the burden of
resentment. As for the perpetrator , your forgiveness is not releasing them of
the punishment just the peace they are forgiven.

Verse 100:3 is from “one of the best known and most loved

Know this: the Eternal One Himself
is the True God.
    He is the One who made us;
    we have not made ourselves;
    we are His people, like sheep grazing in
His fields.

They compared it to Psalm 23 which I believe most can quote
even if they can remember the number, but I read this anew and fresh. That was
after reading it at least 3 times prior! I don’t remember this Psalm being
quoted or mentioned in sermons yet the Voice considers it with Psalm 23. This
is actually one that should be talked about since it deals with gratitude and
thanksgiving. That is something that is often missing from prayers and
discussions. We always tend to focus on the negatives during “prayer requests”
with rare praises. When praises are given resentment and jealousy often happens
with others.

Honestly we are going to have problems, that is a given in
life. Just because you become a Christian does not mean everything is suddenly
going to be sunshine and blue skies. The glory of a life in Jesus is not the
good times, but rather the supernatural peace during the bad times. That is
something we should live in gratitude for no matter what!!

Verse 101:1 has David singing thanks:

I will sing of God’s
 love and justice;
    to You, O Eternal One, I will sing praises.

God is love and love is justice who needs to be praised.
Again we tend to get into the rut of prayers based on “life’s little problems”
and not the glory of God. I am coming up on a year of being unemployed and am
not having too many problems. I could wallow in the misery that I am uninsured,
have no income, eating through reserves I may have had and worrying about
providing for my family each month. At the same time things couldn’t look
brighter with a possible new job as a perfect fit for my experience. Our farm
may be selling and our family could be reunited because of this. And if none of
this happens? Who cares I just keep plugging away at every opportunity given to

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