1 Timothy
1 – 3
Verse 1:4 really caught my eye for an interesting reason:
Tell them to turn away
from fables and endless genealogies. These activities just cause more arguments
and confusion. Instead, they should concern themselves with welcoming
in and bringing about the reign of God, which is all about
I immediately focused on this because of the word “fables”.
When you read this with “endless genealogies” I immediately think to the
stories of in Genesis, Numbers and Chronicles where there are some very huge
God stories that are difficult to believe and a ton of genealogies. Doing a
quick version check the KJV uses “fables”
and the NIV uses “myths” . The point is for new believers who have not
experienced God, think about how much easier it is to believe in miracles when
you experience them.
To expose God to a new believer with stories of Moses and
the Red Sea will cause more “arguments” than connection. Also, after 40 years
the “endless genealogies” still cause confusion for me. So focus on Jesus and
what He has done for YOU!! Verse 1:7 talks about how many believers drift into
legalism of the law and forget the grace and forgiveness of Jesus. Key is don’t
lose sight of grace and the salvation God offered through the blood of Jesus.
Verse 1:15 says it all:
Here’s a statement worthy of trust:
Jesus the Anointed, the Liberating King, came into the world
to save sinners, and I am the worst of them all.
That is what this book can be boiled down to, simple!!
Verses 3:2 & 3 starts the qualifications and
disqualifications for those who lead the church:
2 Here
are the qualifications to look for in an overseer: a spotless
reputation, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, sensible, respectable,
welcoming to strangers (allowing them into his home), and gifted to
teach. 3 Disqualify any drunk or violent man. Look
for a gentle man; no belligerent fellow can follow this calling. And he should
be free from money lust.
Key point here is finding the right leaders. This may seem
meaningless to most, but is very critical in order to ensure a unified message
and ability to stay on mission. You get someone who compromises their
character, suddenly that may creep into the church and cause many to fail. This
is why it’s critical for the overall mission to maintain integrity so it does
not fail. I have seen churches fall and the damage done to its members is
devastating on an eternal level!!
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