93 – 95
Verse 93:1 opens with the majesty of God:
The Eternal reigns, clothed in
He is dressed in power;
He has surrounded Himself with strength.
We like to think of God in the positive but when contrasted
with verse 94:1 we see the difference:
O Eternal God of vengeance,
O God who sets things right, shine upon us.
Again when you read this as the ones being protected it has
a different meaning than the ones that are being scolded. Israel has been in
both positions during their history. As for God’s vengeance I am not real
concerned with it since I pray I do not see it and if I do it’s deserved. I
also do not wish His vengeance upon others who have wronged me. I would rather
their hearts change to love God and repent than to be crushed.
Verse 94:8 talks about the mindless in this world:
Think, brainless people;
stupid people, when will you get it?
I think back to the last few election cycles and no I am not
saying the brainless people voted for Obama, but rather all voters appeared
brainless. We were not voting for the best candidate but rather the lesser of
two evils. You had the two extremes of corporate greed and personal entitlement
who were basically the same. Neither talked about freedom and people refused to
find a positive in their man but rather negatives in the other. I feel the
electorate no longer studies or pays attention but rather follows the whims of
their desires.
I have been off cable for 5+ years now and have been happy.
On a recent road trip I, the hotel had cable and I watched. Boy was I shocked
how the news was focused on the latest fad of nude vacations and Hollywood
gossip. Nothing was done on the turmoil in the Middle East, the economy or
corporate mischief, NOTHING. We have fell into a world where propaganda on any
side, including the “conspiracy theorists”.
As “believers” we are no different going into our
“sanctuary” each weekend, assuming nothing interrupts this, and are fed what a
person feels is truth. I am not saying we cannot trust our pastors, but they
really need to be preaching to “smart” pews. I am not saying we need seminary
school to attend church, but how about read from the book being preached from!
If we don’t we can be manipulated into believing false doctrine. Also, we need
to study to grow anyway since most preachers assume there are “new believers”
in the pews and they need to teach to them, since it can’t hurt for seasoned
Christians to hear the Gospel again.
The problem with this preaching is no one ever grows outside the basic Gospel.
The Bible says we can do more than Jesus!! How many have raised the dead,
healed an ill person or proclaimed the Gospel in defense of ardent atheists? If
someone asked you if the Bible was true, what would your response be? Then if
they asked how could the universe have been created in 6 days when science has
proven it was 13.7 billion years, how would you respond? What if they
questioned if Jesus was real, how would you respond? This is the problem with
church today, no one gets out of first grade unless they go to seminary. READ