Why Turn From Sexual Sins?

1 Thessalonians
4 – 5

Verses 4:3 & 4 are important in living a life God has
set for us:

Now this
is God’s will for you: set yourselves apart and live holy lives;
avoid polluting yourselves with sexual defilement. Learn
how to take charge over your own body, maintaining purity and honor.

Two of the biggest weaknesses in man are their sex drive
and desire for wealth. For the majority, sex tends to be a driving factor,
especially as we develop into men. The drive to reproduce is natural and the
fact that it’s pleasurable only compounds the problem. Paul specifically
tackles this desire with the men of Thessalonica.

Greed will block God and following His ways and can
control your attention; sex overpowers the will to remain pure. Follow me here,
ignoring God is one thing money does, but you get into sexual sins and that
drive will lead down a path of destruction. Sex destroys our relationships on
earth since it becomes more about using people than helping them. Sure in
extreme cases greed does this but the majority of people remain ethical, just
not connected.

With sex, one loses their connection with God because
they override the voice telling them what is moral. In addition it violates
God’s plan and laws. “Sexual defilement” is not avoiding sex, but rather what
is considered loose living. I know more people whose marriages have crumbled,
whose bodies now have incurable diseases and often are driven to suicide that I
care to. I pray that every man thinks before getting sucked into sexual
immorality including porn. All this will lead to problems in the future if not
addresses leaving you with a hollow life. God is not making rules to ruin our
lives but rather to make the “full” and fun.

Verses 5:14 – 21 are important for living a whole life:

14 Brothers
and sisters, we strongly advise you to scold the rebels who devote
their lives to wreaking havoc,
 to encourage the downcast, to help
the sick and weak, and to be patient with all of them. 15 Make
sure no one returns evil for evil, but always pursue what is good as it affects
one another in the church but also all people. 16 Celebrate
always, 17 pray constantly, and 18 give
thanks to God no matter what circumstances you find yourself
in. (This is God’s will for all of you in Jesus the Anointed.) 19 Don’t
suppress the Spirit. 20 Don’t downplay
prophecies. 21 Take a close look at everything, test
 then cling to what is good. 22 Put
away every form of evil.

This is so full of truth it is mind blowing. Help those in
need! Protect and uplift your community! Celebrate! Pray! Keep away from evil!
And in this all make sure you test everything to ensure it is true to God’s
word. Don’t just take the word of the preacher, but rather understand fully
what he is saying by diving into the Bible!


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