I know we are Off Topic on energy, but as you may know I are a engineer and therefore have a awful command of the English language. I also get distracted with technical crud.
Question to you is: Do you believe in climate change and if so how far down the rabbit hole do you go? Think about this a while …
If you have read this blog in detail you know where I stand, firmly in the IDK group. Yes, I agree there is change in the climate. No, I do not believe man made climate change is a crisis. We would have to get into detail on the data, but lets just say the margin of error for the data collected before 1990 is well within the “change” we are seeing today. Basically the data in the early 1900′s and late 1800′s was a bucket and a thermometer where today is a buoy (Argus) that dives to a specified depth and collects data with tuned instruments.
But I digress to the point today of how can we go “green” today? Lets say we replace all the power generated today with wind. What would that take? It has been calculated that based on a windmill taking 15 acres, the entire area of the USA would be require. Same results with solar.
Now ask yourself how much MORE energy would be needed if we all converted to electric cars? When you finally start looking at this it’s unreasonable to consider it. Also, it does not take in the environmental impact of the waste from the “solution” in batteries, pureed birds from windmills or heat generated from solar panels. Also, the solutions cost so much more and make a few rich causes me to raise an eyebrow.
We need to consider real green solutions since solar and wind require a ton of land. Why not hydro? This was the FIRST green solution but because of fish issues we cannot do this. Really, FISH ADAPT!! To verify look at the Stickleback and it’s history to see this in action.
Finally nuclear is something no one wants to touch, but is a realistic solution to our power problems. It’s simple, takes little space and will be cost effective but no one wants the risk.
We need to understand, no one wants a dirty planet but at the same time we do not want an elite group of sociopaths to rule the world either and that is what today’s environmental movement is. For further support of this statement research Technocracy!
My point is when people say the “science is settled” first does not understand science and second is not wanting progress to be made.
THINK BEFORE BELIEF!!! The same goes with God, and that is really what this blog is about;-)