How Do You Feel Remorse?

2 Kings
21 – 25

Verse 21:4 begins the end of the kings ruling over the
Jewish people:

He constructed altars in the
Eternal’s temple to foreign, pagan gods. This was the temple the
Eternal had spoken of when He said, “My name will dwell in Jerusalem.”

As we have seen right from the start when Israel wanted to
be ruled by a man and not God, things broke down. We find in each king
problems, some greater than others but all had their weaknesses. God never
wanted us to be ruled by man, but rather follow His guidance. Manasseh had
not followed God and as prophesized by others (including recently read in
Ezekiel) the land will be over run and destroyed.

Verse 22:11 has the last “good” king find the book of the
Law in the temples ruins:

While the king listened to the
words of the book of law, he was filled with sorrow, and he
tore his garments. 

This repentance actually spared Josiah actually witnessing
the impending doom. God felt compassion over Josiah’s true remorse. Josiah did
all he could to warn and change the hearts of the people, but as we read it was
only temporary. Sometimes I wonder if my remorse is true or plastic, since if I
did tear my clothing I would second guess myself and think it was for show. See
Josiah did not know the stories of before, he had no model to go on and when he
heard God’s word it moved him.

Verse 25:9 sees the end of the first temple:

Nebuzaradan set fire to the
Eternal’s temple, the palace, and every house in Jerusalem. He burned down
every large house and structure in Jerusalem

God did as He promised through the prophets before. As with
most prophetic visions the people eventually dismiss them when they go
generations without being fulfilled. If you read all the New Testament,
everyone expected Jesus to return and free them from Rome. The prophecies were
not fulfilled in their life time or in the past 2000+ years. The “End is Near”
placard is getting old even in our generations.

Everyone talks of “God’s time” but don’t take it to heart.
We want the riches and glory now, not some time in the future. The big score
has replaced decades of hard work and savings. We want it now and why not, we
can ask difficult questions in the middle of nowhere and get the answer quickly
on our phones. So a prophecy that is 2000 years old does not seem real, even
though we are witnessing much of what was written today.

We have been saying that with each new evil dictator that
rises. That is the anti-Christ and then end is near. Only time will reveal if
it’s right or not, unfortunately my belief is the anti-Christ will seem great
until he turns. Sure time will tell, but the end IS near.



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